The following information applies to Administrative Professional employees.

Where can I find the WSU policy regarding Discontinuation of Appointment or other appointment ending information?

Information regarding all types of separation for AP employees can be found in the AP Handbook.

If I have a pre-established appointment end date, what does that mean?

AP appointments with a pre-established end date automatically terminate on the date indicated on the most recent Personnel Action Form. These appointments are sometimes referred to as “temporary AP appointments.”

Appointments supported by extramural grants or contracts may be terminated if the supporting grant or contract is terminated prior to that end date.

Appointments with a pre-established end date or supported by an extramural grant or contract may be terminated prior to the end date with a thirty (30) day written notice from the appointing authority.

What is a Discontinuation of Appointment?

Discontinuation of an appointment pursuant to the notice requirements is not “Termination for Cause” and does not reflect poor performance, misconduct or other cause for termination.

AP employees hired on or before June 30, 2004, on appointments without end dates shall be entitled to minimum advance notice of discontinuation of appointment in accordance with the following:

Years of ServiceNotice Period
Less than 1 year30 days
1 to 2 years60 days
More than 2 years180 days

AP employees hired on or after July 1, 2004, on appointments without end dates shall be entitled to minimum advance notice of discontinuation of appointment in accordance with the following:

Years of ServiceNotice Period
Less than 1 year30 days
1 to 2 years60 days
More than 2 years90 days

What if I previously held status in Civil Service?

In accordance with RCW 41.06.070, an AP employee who held permanent status as a Civil Service employee and subsequently accepted an AP appointment without a break in service has return rights back to Civil Service.

What if I held permanent status as a civil service employee and my discontinuation notice does not include the information regarding my return rights?

Contact HRS.

My full time equivalency is being reduced due to the budget. What type of notice will I receive?

AP employees will receive a 30 day notice prior to the effective date of change.

What will happen to my benefits and retirement?

HRS has detailed information regarding benefits and retirement for employees that have been laid off available on our website. Visit the Separating Employee Information page. You may also contact HRS at 509-335-4521 or

Am I eligible for unemployment compensation?

An employee separating from WSU may qualify for unemployment benefits.