This interactive workshop will examine the role implicit bias plays in different life outcomes (employment, health, well-being, etc.). Implicit bias has come to be recognized as a powerful force that not only shapes individual actions, but institutional policies and practices as well. This session will look at three primary mechanisms that produce bias: priming, associations, and assumptions. This session will also create understanding of actions people can take to counteract negative associations that lead to negative consequences for underrepresented people. This workshop will use discussions and media to increase understanding of how implicit bias manifests, how it perpetuates, and what people can do to interrupt it with a vision for changing both individuals and systems.

Workshop Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the concept of implicit bias and begin to identify our individual biases
  • Raise awareness and continue building the skills and behaviors necessary to create more inclusive workplaces and communities
  • Create a welcoming and inclusive campus culture and climate in order to recruit and retain diverse faculty, staff, and students (WSU Drive to 25 – Metric 11)

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