Have questions about the conference? Expand the sections below for additional information.

How much does the conference cost?

The conference is free to all WSU employees.

Who is the conference for?

All WSU employees who want to develop their professional skills, become more confident leaders, and learn how their colleagues are successfully using Workday to improve their processes and decision-making.

How do I attend the conference?

The conference is fully remote using Zoom’s Events platform. This allows everyone to attend the conference from their home or office, and enjoy the same experience using a familiar platform.

When is the conference?

The 2024 conference is on October 22 and 23, from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. For those who sign up, reminder emails will be sent before the conference.

How do I sign up?

Registration will open in July. Sign up for the Elevating Cougs Newsletter to receive updates and the latest news right in your email inbox!

How can I stay up to date with what’s happening?

Each month in our Elevating Cougs newsletter, we share the latest news and helpful articles that help you prepare for the sessions you want to attend.

You can also visit the Elevating Cougs news page on the Learning and Organizational Development website to view the articles.

Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes. The sessions will be available to view after the conference so you can catch up on any sessions you missed or review helpful information from your favorite session.

Can I go to multiple tracks, or can I stay in one track?

Attendees have complete flexibility, choosing to stay within a preferred track, or mix-and-match sessions from any of the four topics: developing professional skills, elevating your leadership skills, incorporating wellness into your workday, and how WSU employees are successfully using Workday.

To learn more about each track and what you can expect, view the following posts:

Who are the session speakers?

The presenters are a diverse mix of experts from across the university, Human Resources, and Modernization.

What if I can only attend an hour or two each day?

Elevating Cougs offers a mix of full-length, 60-minute sessions, and bite-size, 28-minute sessions, to fit within your busy schedule. Sessions will also be recorded, so you can catch up on the ones you wanted to attend but couldn’t.

If I have additional questions, who do I contact?

Questions or concerns about the conference can be emailed to hrstraining@wsu.edu and we’ll be in touch.

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