Employee Assistance Program

Washington State Department of Enterprise Services | EAP
- State Toll Free Number: 1-877-313-4455 (TDD/TTY users, please call via WA Relay at 711)
- EAP Website
- BPPM 60.86 Employee Assistance Program
- EAP Work-Life Resources Web Portal
(Contact HRS for Organization code) - Monthly Online EAP Orientation
Learn about the benefits of the EAP and how to access services.
The Washington State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential counseling and referral services to WSU faculty, administrative professional, and classified staff. Employees can self-refer or may be directed to the EAP by a supervisor or manager. Employees may use release time to utilize EAP services. EAP is not intended to be a long-term counseling service (see BPPM 60.86), but rather to provide initial assessment, consultation, and referral. EAP services typically will not be more than three sessions per specific individual concern. If additional counseling is needed, EAP will refer employees to a local provider, whose service will be covered by their insurance plans. (Employees are responsible to ensure the local provider is part of their insurance plan’s provider network.)
The EAP assists in identifying, managing, and resolving personal and work-related issues that may affect job performance or quality of life issues. The EAP provides counseling, education, and consultation services to improve job performance, worker health, and the wellbeing of the employee. Issues which may be directed to the EAP include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Anger management
- Anxiety
- Conflicts at work
- Depression
- Domestic Violence
- Emotional and/or psychological issues
- Financial
- Grief and loss
- Job performance
- Parenting issues
- Relationship and family concerns
- Stress
- Substance Abuse
In addition to individual services, the EAP provides crisis counseling for groups of employees who suffer from a shared workplace crisis such as death/illness of a colleague, inappropriate workplace behavior, or any circumstance that may adversely affect the working group.
The EAP also offers free legal consultation and financial counseling services, as well as a comprehensive work-life website that includes resources, articles, webinars and e-learnings, financial calculators, legal documents, and self-search provider databases for eldercare, childcare, and more. Employees can access all of these services any time by visiting the web portal (contact HRS for the Organization code at hrs@wsu.edu or 509-335-4521). A legal or financial counselor can also be reached any time by calling 1-888-728-1408.
Evaluation and Referral Services
Work-Life Website & Legal and Financial Consultation (Contact HRS for Organization code at hrs@wsu.edu or 509-335-4521)
Sign up for an Online EAP Orientation to learn more about the services provided.