We are excited to announce Kari Nelson, Finance/Budget Manager for the Department of Sociology with the College of Arts and Sciences at WSU Pullman, as a Crimson Spirit Award Recipient.

Nelson’s nominators had many great things to say. Kari has gone above and beyond to serve faculty members in the Department of Sociology and other units too. She has taken on extra tasks as needed – becoming our grant manager solving a significant problem for our unit, proactively reaching out to help keep faculty on track (e.g., with their grant spending, budgets, and planning), responds quickly and accurately when needed, and interacts with everyone with warmth, grace, and energy — even as her workload has continued to increase beyond what it should be.

Kari is a hard worker who goes out of her way to assist anyone who needs it. She is always patient and willing to talk through confusing policies and rules. She is an integral part of the department, which would not run nearly as efficiently and smoothly as it does without her.

Kari combines her high level of competence with stellar professionalism and grace. She has fantastic so-called “soft” skills. These are anything but soft, I might add. They make workplaces more functional and build community. She is proactive. She communicates clearly. She is tactful. She is constructive in her interactions with others. Through these specific interactions, I have come to view Kari as a terrific asset to WSU. She has very good working relationships with faculty, other staff, and students. People widely regard her as a resource, and I know that I speak for my department, that we are incredibly lucky to have her.

In addition, Kari is also a fitness instructor here at the UREC – teaching Les Mills classes at lunchtime. She accommodates everyone’s skill level and always brings enthusiasm and great energy. Her competence and enthusiasm translated well from her work environment to her classes at Chinook. Kari is an extremely positive and helpful colleague who consistently shows up to support others. She is a terrific member of the broader WSU community, running Body Pump classes for UREC that lift the days of everyone who takes them.