WSU/WSU Police Guild
The Washington State University (WSU)/Washington State University Police Guild (Police Guild) Collective Bargaining Agreement covers a selection of employees on WSU – Pullman campus. The below information is provided for those employees covered by the WSU Police Guild Contract.
Bargaining Unit
Collective Bargaining Agreement and MOU’s
Summary of Agreement
Union Representatives
BU 4 Leadership
Other Resources
Bargaining Unit 4 Police Guild
Bargaining Unit 4 at Washington State University consists of all nonsupervisory sworn personnel of Washington State University at the Pullman main campus, excluding confidential employees, internal auditors, supervisors, and employees included in any other bargaining unit.
Summary of Agreement
This summary is provided by the Employer in accordance with RCW 43.88.583. Please note that this is a summary only, and is not intended to be a substitute for reviewing the complete contract.
Bargaining Unit Members:
Agreement Status:
Budget Information:
Base Compensation:
Overtime Pay:
Other Compensation:
Paid Leave:
Cash Out:
Temporary Layoff:
Bargaining Units Covered:
Supplemental Agreements:
Provisions to Allow Reopening:
Union Representatives
Rhonda Fenrich
Fenrich & Gallagher, P.C.
245 W 5th Ave
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541) 342-7802
Fax: (541) 342-7802
BU 4 Leadership
Brett Boyd, President
Curtis Whitman, Vice President
Jeff Olmstead, Secretary / Treasurer
Bargaining Unit 4 – Police Employees on the Pullman Campus
Other Resources
Business Polices and Procedures Manual (BPPM)
Washington Administrative Code (WAC)
Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC)
2025-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement- Tentative Agreement
2023-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement
2021-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement
2019-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement
2017-2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement
2015-2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement