HRS Talent Acquisition team offers the following advertising and outreach tools to assist in recruitment efforts. Hiring departments decide where to advertise their vacant positions and are responsible for any advertising costs that are in addition to what HRS automatically provides. See “auto-routed” options below.

Free Outreach Tools:

FREE Job Boards:Website:Auto-routing enabled:Position Types: 

Contact Bonnie Wilmoth – 5848 
HRS tweets all faculty and staff vacancies submitted through Workday on a regular basis. 
Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC)hercjobs.orgYesAll Position Types
Higher Ed Jobshigheredjobs.comYes All Position Types
WorkSource Washington
YesAll Position Types
Indeedindeed.comYes N/A – Indeed uses an aggregation method to determine which positions to scrape from 
LinkedIn Showcase Positions Only
NEW: Diverse Educationdiverseeducation.comYesAll Position Types

Work directly with Academic Success and Career Center (ASCC) to create a departmental account. 
All position types may be posted here. 
Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU)aplu.orgNo

Departments may post directly on APLU.
Remember to email “” after position closes to remove posting. 
All position types may be posted here. 

Paid Outreach Tool:


Whether you need to place ads in major trade journals, free job boards, premium job boards, or in local newspapers, JobElephant can manage all your recruitment advertising at no additional cost, saving you valuable time compared to managing it yourself. JobElephant also offers advertising language assistance and placement recommendations tailored to your specific recruitment needs, all at no additional costs.

By utilizing JobElephant to place both your paid and free job ads, HRS will receive data on candidate outreach, helping you make informed decisions for future advertising strategies.

For more information on diversity recruitment and advertising, please see JobElephant’s 2024 Diversity Recruitment Advertising Guide.

To request an advertising quote or for questions regarding JobElephant’s services, please use the drop-down field below:

JobElephant Request Form

Talent Pool Databases:

Hiring departments may request access to the following free databases to actively recruit and invite talent to apply for their vacancies. Prior to accessing these resources, we highly encourage search committee members to review the Recruitment Outreach and Advertising training to learn how to actively source and invite applicants.

Contact your HR Service Team for assistance accessing talent pool databases.

Additional Outreach Tools:

Equity Resources