Assigning courses and executing activity reports.

This step-by-step guide introduces the key functions available to designated WSU Online Learning Managers. These functions help these Managers meet learning and professional development needs as they arise within the college, area, or department.

Additional help is available through the following resources:

WSU Resources

HRS Learning and Organizational Development

Contact HRS to arrange a demonstration of these resources for your department.

Skillsoft Resources

  • Sign in to the Skillport Home Page.
  • Select Management from the sidebar navigation menu.
  • Select Help at the top right of the page.

Skillsoft Customer Support

Managing Course Assignments

Access management functions from the My Home page. Select Management under Quick Links in the navigation menu.

Use the Learning Plan Assignment function to establish learning goals for employees or groups within your management areas.

Locate a User or Group

  1. On the Management Admin Home page, under Users & Groups, select Assign learning resources to a user or group.
  2. The Users and Groups view opens to provide access to all learning accounts in your management area(s). Your management area includes employees in your Learning-Manager-assigned supervisory organization(s). You may also be assigned additional groups and/or subgroups by an Appointing Authority.
  3. Within the Users and Groups area, expand the available folders or use the search function at the top of the page to locate the particular user or group to which you plan to assign courses. When you select the radial button for User, you can search users by name, WSU ID number, or email address.

Access an Employee’s Assignments

This example illustrates a Manager Training Folder test group in which Brandt Mull and Linsey Miter are Managers (identified by the red shirts in their icons). In this organizational group are two sub-groups (Crimson Group and Gray Group). The two managers are able to manage the accounts of all individuals in each of these groups.

If the Management link is not visible, and you have been designated the Learning Manager role by your department Appointing Authority, complete the Online Learning Management Authorization Form and email it to HRS.

If you have completed the form and still do not see the Management link, contact HRS Learning & Organizational Development at 509-335-4521 or

Screenshot of the Skillsoft employee assignments window.

Expanding the Crimson Group reveals two further sub-groups (Crimson Team A and Crimson Team B). Manager Rod Meeker can manage all Team A and Team B employees. Manager Tom Minton can manage all the employees in Team A, and Manager Lana Moe can manage the employees in Team B.

To access an individual employee’s assignments, select their name in the left pane under Users and Groups to reveal the employee’s assignments in the right pane.

A list of usernames.

Assign a Course(s) to an Employee or Group

In this example, Manager Tom Minton has accessed employee Michelle Freiberg’s account. Clicking once on her name reveals her assignments in the right pane. Currently, she has no individual assignments:

Skillsoft window showing an individual learning plan assignment.

To assign a course, select the Edit Individual Assignments link in the user’s learning plan (the right pane) to open the learning plan assignment tool for the selected users.

All of the learning assets included in the Online Learning System are now accessible for assignment in the Learning Plan Assignment window.

Prior to assigning courses in the Online Learning System, HRS recommends you inform the employee by including information to email you or their supervisor in the Email template provided.

Skillsoft window showing assigning a course to a learning plan.
Here the manager entered the phrase “Customer Service” in the Search for box. The Manager also limited the learning asset category to Courses.

Enter the course title or a keyword in the Search for box at the top left of the Learning Plan Assignment window.

Select the learning asset you would like to assign and click the green Assign arrow in the center of the window to add the course to the employees Learning Plan.

Once a learning asset is assigned, an assignment customization window appears with several options:

  • Note: Text entered here will appear in the employee’s Learning Plan assignment.
  • Type: Use “recurring” only if the assignment needs to be completed repeatedly in the future.
  • Due Date: Identify when assignment is due by date or timeframe.
  • Reminder: Sets parameters for email reminders of the assignment.
  • Overdue Notice: Sets parameters for email notices if the assignment has not been completed by the due date.
  • Required: Identifies if the assignment is required or optional.

Click OK to save assignment modifications and close the window.

This returns you to the Learning Plan Assignment window where you selected the course for assignment. Click Save to confirm the action and open a Preview Email Template window.

In the Preview Email Template window you may add an optional note from you to the employee. Click send to notify the employee of the assignment. The email is sent from

Interface for customizing a learning plan assignment.

Remove or Modify Course Assignment(s)

To modify previous customization or remove an assignment from an employee’s account, first access the employee’s assignments.

Select Edit Individual Assignments in the Learning Plan window. In the Learning Plan window, hover your cursor over the assignment you wish to modify. The Deassign and the Edit links associated with the assignment appear. Choose Deassign to remove a course assignment or Edit to modify it.

Monitoring Learning Progress

WSU’s Online Learning System includes a variety of reports that allow you to track and analyze learning progress as well as content use by individual and group. As with Learning Plan Assignments, you can view the learning activity of those employees and groups within your management view. For all report templates, primary report data fields are preselected and may be modified.

Jump to common reports guides:

Employee learning activity may take a up to a day to register in their Learning Plan and then show on Reports.

Navigate Reports Functions

Access management functions from the My Home page select Management under Quick Links in the navigation menu.

On the Management page, select the Reports tab to open the reports menu.

Select Templates from the Reports menu.

In the Templates window, select the Shared tab to access pre-built report templates.

The custom reports are designed to satisfy the requests of most WSU Online Learning Mangers. Additional Shared Report templates may be available from time to time.

Screenshot showing where to find reports.
The shared reports navigation tab in Skillsoft.

User Activity Reports

This report allows you to view detailed information of learning activity by a particular employee, multiple employees, or whole departments within your management view. This report is filtered to show activity in both online and ILT courses.

  1. Within the Shared templates tab, expand the User folder (click on the plus sign icon) and select the desired User Activity Report.
  2. After selecting the report, select Edit in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. The Edit Template page will open and will allow you to customize the report by four expandable option groups and three customization tabs.
Skillsoft window with the User Activity Report - Courses report selected.
Skillsoft window showing the edit report template options.
The Edit Template page with customization options.
  1. Expand both the Activity Dates and the Groups / Users options and make the desired selections.
    • To select an employee for the report, click on the name and then click on the arrow between the two panes. If you wish to select more than one employee, hold the Ctrl key while clicking on additional names.
    • To select an entire group (department), select the Groups radio button. Then click on the desired Group name(s) in the left pane then click on the arrow between the two panes. Select the checkbox labeled Select Subgroups.

Parts of the Edit Template page

  • Template Properties: Overview about the report.
  • Activity Dates: Identify data within a specific date range.
  • Groups / Users: Identify groups or users to include in the report.
  • Display Options: Identify available data to include in the report.
  • Asset Filter: Returns data by selected asset types.
  • Filter Options: Allows the user to filter selected criteria to receive in a report.
Skillsoft window showing the edit report template options with groups and users selected.
Example: This report has been configured to return data for: The last three years (date selection); and for specified users (user selection). In this example, the specific users have not yet been identified.
  1. Select different fields in Display Options to identify available data to include in the report. Primary report data fields are preselected and may be modified.
  2. To identify specific learning asset types for the report, modify the Asset Filter selection customization tab. In this area you can identify the types of learning assets that will be included in the report.
  1. At this point all necessary parameters are configured and the report can be executed. Actions for the report show in the upper right corner of the Reports page, they include:
    • Preview: Displays the results of the report.
    • Save: Not for use. Saves the changes you have made to the shared report template and makes you the owner.
    • Save As: Saves a copy of the report template to your personal templates and allows you to rename it for future use.
    • Save Result*: Creates a copy of the report results that can be downloaded and saved. This option opens a text box with two sets of options:
      • The Properties tab allows you to modify the name, description, and/or format of the report. The report results will be saved for the period of time you designate. Up until that time expires, you can access the results by clicking on the Reports tab and then selecting Results. Select OK to complete the action.
      • The Email tab allows you to designate specific users who will receive a copy of the results.
    • Cancel: Cancels any customization made to the original report and allows you to restart.

Example: You designed a report template to focus specifically on the activity of one department in your management focus. You might save that report as “Course Activity – Department X.”  Then, you may customize the report to focus on another department save it as “Course Activity – Department Y,” and so on. These reports will return updated data on each department each time they are executed.

Types of User Activity Reports

  • User Activity Report – Courses: This report includes results for online and ILT courses.
  • User Activity Report – Books and Resources: This report includes results for user activity on books and other online non-course resource activities.
  • User Activity Report – All Assets: This report includes results for online and ILT courses, books and other resources.
  • User Learning Plan Activity Report: This report includes activity data specifically for items assigned in the User’s Learning Plan.

Course Activity Reports

This report allows you to view activity for Users & Groups in your management area for specified courses. Resulting data can include which employees accessed an asset, if they completed it, and the score they received. The report also includes the date they accessed the asset, how many times they accessed it, and how much time they spent in it.

  1. Within the Shared tab, expand the Content folder (click on the plus icon) and select the Course Activity Report.
  2. Click on Edit in the upper right corner of the page. This opens the Report Properties window.
  3. Use the Asset Filter options to identify the specific course(s) to view user activity.
Skillsoft shared reports navigation menu with Course Activity Report highlighted.
Skillsoft windows showing course activity reports.
  1. At this point all necessary parameters are configured and the report can be executed. Actions for the report show in the upper right corner of the Reports page, they include:
    • Preview: Displays the results of the report.
    • Save: Not for use. Saves the changes you have made to the shared report template and makes you the owner.
    • Save As: Saves a copy of the report template to your personal templates and allows you to rename it for future use.
    • Save Result*: Creates a copy of the report results that can be downloaded and saved. This option opens a text box with two sets of options:
      • The Properties tab allows you to modify the name, description, and/or format of the report. The report results will be saved for the period of time you designate. Up until that time expires, you can access the results by clicking on the Reports tab and then selecting Results. Select OK to complete the action.
      • The Email tab allows you to designate specific users who will receive a copy of the results.
    • Cancel: Cancels any customization made to the original report and allows you to restart.

The Asset Filter includes the following sections:

  • Catalog – Asset Selector: Navigate through the Catalog folders and subfolders or use the Search function above this area to find specific assets. Locate and highlight the  specific assets (such as certain course titles) contained in the Catalog. Click on the Asset in the left pane and click Add arrow to move them to the right pane.
  • All Categories – Category Selector: To select certain asset categories, in the All Categories section, check the box of the specific asset categories to include in the report.
  • Asset Title – Selected Assets: Assets chosen for inclusion in the report are displayed in the right pane by ID and Asset Title.

Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, & Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training Reporting Tool

In addition to tracking learning progress using the Skillsoft Reports function, there is an additional customized tool for assessing completion status of the required Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Prevention (DSHMP) training.

Using the DSHP Training Reporting Tool

  1. Sign in to the reporting tool at:
  2. The reporting tool will display a list of the designated Learning Manager’s DSHMP completion/non-completion data for all individuals within their assigned Supervisory Organization(s), as well as the most recent completion dates of either the live training course or the online training course.
  3. Data is refreshed every Monday morning. The last-updated date displays above the user table.
  4. Search for specific employees or departments using the search field.
  5. Navigate through the data table page-by-page using the page navigation menu.
The DSHP reporting tool.

Finding Learning Content

Log in to your Online Learning Account home page at:

Search and Browse

Skillsoft main navigation menu with The Library and the search functions highlighted.

Search for learning content by name or keyword using the search field at the top of the page. Filter by language (English, French, German, or Spanish) using the language menu. Content may differ based on chosen language. If no languages appear, select Manage Language from the menu and change the default language in the Content Language field.

Browse learning content using The Library menu in the site header. Select a Library category to access Instructor-Led Training (ILT) and online courses in that topic. Filters and search tools become available on the resulting pages to narrow the search.

ILT Sessions

The Skillsoft quick links menu.

On the My Home page, access currently scheduled ILT sessions from the Quick Links or Upcoming Events section of the navigation menu.

Sessions are listed chronologically by default. Select Course Title in the table heading to sort alphabetically.

Select Actions to view session details, enroll in the session, or to save the session to your Learning Plan.

Search sessions by course title or keyword using the Search for Sessions link at the upper right corner of the Sessions schedule.

Select a course title to view information about the course. Choose the the About tab for the course overview. Available sessions are listed under the Sessions tab.

Skillsoft ILT sessions search results.