Congratulations on your new appointment, and welcome to Washington State University!

New Employee Orientation is on-demand!

All employees with an active WSU appointment have the ability to take or retake the on-demand New Employee Orientation at any time. visit the New Employee Onboarding page for more information and links to on-demand courses.

New employees can check with their HR Service Team for a campus-specific orientation.

New Employee Orientation is designed as an on-demand course available on appointment at WSU. The course on retirement is currently an in-person session conducted by HRS Benefits. You are encouraged to register in Percipio for the appropriate retirement section depending on your employment type. Please visit the New Employee Information page for more information about benefits including Medical and Dental insurance

Join us as we explore Washington State University history, pertinent employment information, invaluable resources, and benefit options available to you.

New employees must attend New Employee Orientation within 30 days of their start date to meet Benefits election due dates.

  • Retirement: Faculty/Administrative Professionals have 30 days from their date of hire to make an election; Classified Staff and eligible hourly employees have 90 days.
  • Medical and Dental Insurance: Election due within 31 days of hire/benefit eligibility.
  • Long Term Disability: Election due within 31 days of hire/benefit eligibility.
  • Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) and/or Flexible Spending Account (FSA): Election due within 31 days of hire/benefit eligibility.
  • Life Insurance: Election due within 31 days of hire/benefit eligibility.

Access relevant information on the New Employee Information page.