Employee Types
The university offers career opportunities in an incredible array of fields in the following job categories.
Visit WSU Jobs to view and apply for current openings.
Administrative Professional: Administrative Professional positions perform administrative, managerial, and professional duties. These positions are exempt from coverage of the state of Washington Civil Service System
Classified Staff: Classified staff (Civil Service and Bargaining Unit covered) positions are located throughout WSU in all career fields. Performing a wide range of job duties, classified staff are key contributors to the university’s day-to-day operations and overall success.
Faculty: Faculty positions at WSU include academic faculty, extension faculty, library faculty, research faculty, and student affairs faculty. Positions are located throughout the university campuses and at WSU Extension offices throughout the state.
Temporary/Hourly: Temporary/hourly positions are generally short-term job opportunities paid on a hourly basis. These may be student or non-student positions.