Update your Medical, Vision and Dental Plans

Use Workday to enroll newly acquired dependents* (e.g. new marriage/domestic partnership) within 60 days of becoming eligible. This is also used to update name and address changes, and to terminate coverage for dependents who are no longer eligible. View the Dependent Eligibility Worksheet for more information.

* You must also submit valid dependent verification documents in order to add new dependents to your medical and/or dental plan.

When removing a spouse/domestic partner due to divorce or the partnership being dissolved, do not remove them as a “waived” but as a deletion. Removing them as “waived” simply takes them off your coverage, but continues to show them as being an eligible dependent, which they no longer are.

Update your Flexible Spending Arrangement/Dependent Care Assistance Program

A new marriage or domestic partnership may necessitate enrollment in a Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA) or Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) account. These options are included in your Change Benefits event enrollment in Workday. The requested change must correspond to the event that creates the special open enrollment and changes are effective the first of the month following approval of the change from Navia Benefit Solutions.

Update your Health Savings Account

Although Health Savings Account (HSA) contributions may be changed at any time, adding or deleting a spouse to your medical plan may increase/decrease your annual contribution limit. If you are already enrolled in a HSA-compatible plan, HSA elections will open in your Workday Change Benefits event elections.

Health Savings Account Beneficiary Designation Form: Use this form to update your beneficiary designations.

Health Savings Account Name Change: Contact Health Equity (account administrator) at 1.877.873.8823 to update your name. Updating your name through the WSU processes identified below will NOT update your Health Savings Account. Employees must contact Health Equity for this update.

Update your Life Insurance

Life Insurance Enrollment & Change Form: Use this form to request additional coverage for yourself or a new family member.

The Cancellation of Supplemental Life Insurance Form: Use this form to delete coverage on yourself of a current or no longer eligible family member.

Beneficiary Designation: Use this form to update your beneficiary designations.

Update your Retirement and Voluntary Retirement Plans

WSURP and/or VIP Beneficiary Changes: Update beneficiaries online.

WSURP and/or VIP Name Change Form: Use this form to update your name. Updating your name through the WSU processes identified below will NOT update your WSURP or VIP accounts. Employees must complete this form to  update their name.

DRS and/or DCP Beneficiary Designation Form: Use this form to update your PERS, TRS, LEOFF and/or DCP beneficiary designations. You may be able to view your current beneficiaries via the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) website, under Your Retirement Account.

DRS and/or DCP Name & Address Change Form: To be completed by inactive members, retirees and beneficiaries receiving benefits. Active members will have these accounts updated when they update their names/addresses through the WSU process, identified below.

Update Washington State University

WSU Name Changes: Official name changes with Washington State University.

WSU Address Changes: Official address changes with Washington State University.