WSU’s puts another generous settlement package proposal across the table

WSU’s December 17 wages proposal offers nearly 78% of the approximately 1500 ASEs assistantship appointments a salary increase above 5% and placement at the new minimum salaries based on their work location.

The UAW settlement package while it would have accepted WSU’s Child and Dependent care, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (EPIC), Holidays and Anti-Discrimination and Harassment (minus Title IX language) proposals, rejected WSU comprehensive proposal that provided a minimum of a 25% increase to minimum salaries. Settlement packages/package proposals are intended to resolve a particular set of Articles or all remaining open Articles the parties are negotiating. The package if accepted in its entirety would resolve all outstanding articles while maintaining the parties agreement to continue health insurance plan discussions once WSU receives carries response to WSU’s annual requests for proposal.

In response to an early morning settlement proposal from the UAW, the WSU Table team met Sunday to prepare a responsive package. 

UAW settlement package


In summary the UAW proposal contained the below provisions, in addition to the minimum wage scale increase: See Table below for latest wage proposals

  • Requires a minimum salary of $2,319 per month for 50% ASEs on assistantship.
  • Requires an ASE on assistantship (salaried) salary be increased by 5% for each step they move up in the education experience categories.
  • Maintains salaried ASEs who met the standard qualifications described in the table and who are assigned to teach their own courses (Instructors of Record), be paid at the candidate rate.
  • Accepted WSU proposed minimum 5% pay increase for any salaried ASE whose pay was not increased by 5% as a result of the adjustment to UAW’s minimum salary proposal.
  • In addition to the initial wage minimum, the UAW’s proposal contemplates a yearly wage increase of 4%, April 1, 2025 and  each subsequent year of the Agreement.
  • Locality pay for assistantships
  • An hourly minimum rate of $24.60 in Pullman with percentage increases based on location up to 24.60 + 26% in Vancouver

UAW’s package maintained their previous proposals on Summer Session and Workload, proposed acceptance of WSU’s Holiday proposal, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (EPIC) and most recent Child and Dependent Care proposal. The package also included:

Anti-discrimination – WSU’s proposal minus Title IX language was passed back. After bargaining session a UAW added but not tracked provision that WSU provide annual reports on all-gender restroom status was identified.

Fee and Tuition waivers – UAW proposal maintained the following would be waived: Operating fee, building fee, non-resident tuition (if applicable) International Student Orientation Fee, technology fee at WSU Vancouver and any newly created student fees.

Healthcare Appendix I – UAW provided a modified version of a benefits for healthcare. Later discussions, clarified the information was their priorities for consideration.

Layoffs – UAW’s proposal removed apparent implications WSU would be required to place an ASE in a position and returned WSU’s previously passed language that WSU would use it’s best efforts to place an ASE on assistantship in another position with a similar term and, if possible, similar compensation.

Leaves- UAW maintained their definition of Family Member for the use of sick leave should be the definition Paid Family & Medical Leaves definition of family member in RCW 50A.05.010(11). When asked why the UAW was utilizing a definition for PFML which is a different program than outlined by the state for sick leave usage, the UAW indicated because it was broader. Their proposal removed the expectation of long-term paid leave but increased the paid pregnancy parental leave plan to six weeks.

Vacation – UAW modified Vacation time off ask to 28 hours per semester for ASEs on assistantship.

WSU Settlement package


In the first year of the Contract the proposal eliminates graduate assistantship salary ranges of less than $2,275 per month (Ranges 1-56). The proposal also includes a minimum 5% increase. This provides ASEs on 50% graduate assistantship appointments the greater of, a monthly salary of $2275 or a 5% salary increase. Additionally, the proposal includes higher minimum ranges based on an ASE’s assigned campus/research and extension center to address cost of living variances across the state, and a salary percentage increase based on ASEs education levels, including 5% for those admitted to a Doctoral program and 5% for Doctoral Candidates. Furthermore, during subsequent years of the Contract on April 1, 2025 and April 1, 2026 all ASE salary ranges/rates will increase an additional 2.75%. WSU based locality pay on U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis information.

Recent salary proposals. (Click image to view larger)

While the UAW did not accept WSU’s Sunday full package proposal, last night they did request additional bargain this week and the week of January 2 and January 8, 2024. WSU will review availability.

Remaining Articles outlined in WSU’s settlement proposal

WSU maintained its position on Child and Dependent Care, Holidays, Fees and Tuition Waivers, No Strike No Lockout, Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (EPIC), Title IX, Union Reports.

Anti-Discrimination and Harassment – WSU has since accepted the proposal, as a separate Title IX Article remains open. Although standard rules already address union requests for information, WSU also accepted the UAW request on annual reports, with a small modification identifying the information is supplied upon request.

Duration – WSU proposed a Contract through August 15, 2026 to align with the Wages proposal contemplated.

Healthcare Appendix I- WSU maintained it’s position that the Appendix is a PLACEHOLDER pending carrier responses and WSU/UAW discussion

Layoffs- WSU has since accepted UAW’s proposal 12/16/2023 11:30 pm so long as the parties have an understanding, hourly positions are expected to have but not guaranteed hours so while FTE or appointment end date may not change – available work may.

Summer Session – WSU proposed that effective summer 2025, activity-based appointments will be paid at or above the equivalent hourly rate as established by assistantship salary tables. Hiring units will determine the maximum hours per week permitted, which will be listed in the summer appointment letter.

Vacation- WSU’s comprehensive package proposal had it been accepted in it’s entirety would have accepted the UAW’s increased vacation hours

Workload – WSU accepted UAW’s 12/18/2023 proposal