Kristine Kynes receives 2020 Crimson Spirit Recognition

Kristine Kynes, fiscal specialist 1, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (SEECS), received 2020 Crimson Spirit Recognition.
Her nominator says Ms. Kynes excels in many ways! She is always ready to take on extra responsibility, she cares about the faculty, staff, students and visitors who interact with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, and she is always anticipating needs and taking appropriate action.
Her nominator says “The thing about Kris is that she never complains, she always jumps into things before you can even think to ask her, she completes tasks with the highest levels of quality, and she is extremely efficient. To top it all off she is so friendly and welcoming, you immediately feel drawn to her bubbly personality.”
Ms. Kynes attends extra trainings to benefit her unit, is SEECS’ point person for the WSU Modernization Project, and completes tasks outside her area of responsibility with speed and efficiency. “She is great at listening to a problem, then jumping in immediately with a solution to that problem,” notes her nominator.
One example of Ms. Kynes’ commitment to anticipating needs concerned a copier lease. When she started working at SEECS she asked when the copier lease was up. “When no one could give a specific answer,” explains her nominator, “she contacted our representative to find out, let us all know the timeline we were under, and said that when it was time she would work to coordinate the replacement. None of this is in her job description but she took a very proactive approach to it and made the rest of our jobs easier.”
An example of her ability to exceed expectations is the way she tackled an ongoing project. “We have a task in our office that we have been trying to accomplish for 4 years and as time goes on we have just gotten farther and farther behind on it. The day Kris started working in the department, we were 6 months behind with this task, within 2 months she had us completely caught up… something we had never done.”
Ms. Kynes is recognized for the breadth and quality of her work; for exceeding expectations; for energetic and creative problem solving; and for her commitment to the University community.