Kristine M. Olsen receives 2021 Crimson Spirit Recognition

Kristine M. Olsen, Administrative Manager for the School of Engineering and Computer Science received Crimson Spirit recognition for exceeding expectations and providing outstanding contributions to the WSU Community.
The pandemic has really allowed Kristine to showcase a number of her qualities and characteristics that help show why she was nominated for the Crimson Spirit award. Kristine went to a number of stores at the beginning of the pandemic in order to find disinfectant wipes for her team. When she found that they were all out of stock, she got creative. Her nominator says “she purchased disinfectant spray and use regular wipes to make disinfection packets These homemade disinfection packets were prepared and distributed to faculty, staff, and graduate students in preparation for the week away from campus.” Her dedication and creativity to solve this problem helped keep her team and co-workers healthy and safe.
Her nominator also discussed her help in making sure the classes taught by the department could continue on as normally as possible in the midst of the pandemic. Her nominator remembers that “during Spring Break (in addition to her regular duties AND the learning of remote working and delivery options), Kristine spent days with our technicians making physical modifications to the teaching labs and general computing labs so that teaching could resume under limited face-to-face capacity.” Kristine’s desire to help find a solution and her willingness to help are part of what helps the School of Engineering and Computer Science operate smoothly.
Ms. Olsen is recognized for expressing genuine interest, providing superior quality service, creative problem-solving skills, and presenting noteworthy extra effort.