We are happily announcing Laurel Aldrich, from the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture, as a Crimson Spirit Award recipient.

Laurel is the Post-Award Grants Manager for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (CCE). Her nominator describes her as very knowledgeable and that she is always willing to lend a hand. “No job is ever too big or too small; Laurel is always willing to jump in and help with the hard stuff and even do the heavy lifting.” When Covid hit and CEE lost a majority of their staff, Laurel worked diligently taking on the extra roles of Administrative Manager and Office Assistant. When the new staff was hired she even took it open herself to train and assist the new employees.

Her nominator goes on to describe her as “forward thinking” and a “great problem solver.” She anticipates the needs of others, for example: providing students’ snacks during finals week and making sure faculty and staff have the supplies needed for classes. It is noted that she even has a garden and brings in fresh produce as well as jars of salsa to share. “I have never met a more caring, compassionate and giving person who cares so much about her workplace and other employees. Laurel is a true Coug inside and out. We are so thankful for her outstanding knowledge, care service and Professionalism.”