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In addition to the course or content you want you learners to complete, each Learning Plan Assignment includes settings that determine:

  • If the assignment is required or optional (Type)
  • The minimum required score (Passing Threshold)
  • The course due date, which can be a number of days or a calendar date. Due dates and completion dates are in Eastern time.
  • When the course will appear in a learner’s Learning Plan (available for training)
  • If the course must be taken again in the future, and if so, how often. (Retraining, or Recurrence)

The same assignment can be assigned to more than one audience, or to an individual learner. Additionally, you can create multiple assignments with the same content, but different settings.

Create Learning Plan Assignments by Audience

  • Click Audiences > Learning Plan Assignments
  • Locate the audience in the list that displays. Optionally, use the search filter to narrow the list of audiences displayed. For instance, enter “man” to return all audiences with “manager” in the name.
  • Click the Actions drop down and select Assign. The Learning Plan Assignments page displays. Optionally, click View Users to view a list of users within this audience.
  • Under the Select from Library section, select one or more courses from the list. Optionally, narrow the list of courses by selecting a value from the Show drop down, or search for a course or learning program by title. When you select a course or learning program for assignment, understand the impact completion if a learner’s audience changes.
  • From the Type drop down, select either Required or Optional. Required assignments have a due date; optional assignments do not have a due date.
    • Default value: Required
    • If you set an assignment to optional:
      • You cannot set due dates or recurrences. These do not show to users.
      • You can only see optional assignments in reports after a user completes them. You cannot see optional assignments in reports if they are not started or in progress.
      • You cannot use standard or custom email notifications to notify users of optional assignments.
  • Set the Passing Threshold:
  • Set the Passing Threshold: the score required for a user to achieve a completion. Some SCORM course players control the passing threshold in the course player and will not adhere to the passing threshold set in the LMS.
    • Default value: 80%.
  • Under Initial Training, select one of the following options:
    • Course is due [n] days after receiving requirement. Enter the number of days the learner has to complete the assignment after it’s added to the Learning Plan.
    • Course is due by [date]. Enter the calendar date the course is due. Due dates and completion dates are in Eastern time.
    • TIP: If making a course required only once, change the recurring by completion date to 50 years from user’s previous completion. The One Time Only option should never be used as it permanently removes a course from a learner’s account once it has been completed with no way to add the course back. We advise never to use this option.
    • Default value: Course is due in 90s days after receiving requirement.

Learners who receive this assignment after the initial due date passes (such as when added to an audience the course is already assigned to) automatically receive an initial due date for the same date the following year. The system will not allow learners to be overdue immediately upon assignment. For best practice, if users are frequently added to this audience, for example if the audience is for “New Hires,” select the “Course is due in [n] days” option.

  • Enter the number of days the course will be available for initial training prior to the due date. This is the date the course appears on the user’s Learning Plan. To make the course available immediately, this number must be equal to or greater than the number of days until the course is due. For example, if you select the Initial Training to be due 90 days after the user receives the course and you want to make the course available to the user immediately, the availability value must be set to at least 90 days.
    • Default value: 90 days.
  • Under Retraining Assignment Type: select one of the following options:
    • Recurring by Completion Date (RCD). This is the most stringent assignment type. Users are required to take the course on a recurring basis, and their next due date is calculated from their last completion date. Recurrence is based on the number of days, weeks, or years entered here. After a user completes the course, his or her next due date will be calculated as last completion plus the validity period. You will also specify how many days prior to the recurring due date the course will display or become available on the user’s Learning plan. To make the course available immediately, this number must be one day less than the recurrence period. For example, if you select that the course is due 365 days from the user’s previous completions, and you want to make the course available to the user immediately, the availability value must be set to 364 days.
    • Recurring by Due Date (RDD) or Calendar-based. This assignment type allows you to specify a calendar date when all users will be due, regardless of past completion dates. The course will be required on a recurring basis depending on the number of days, weeks or years entered here. In this case, a user’s next due date is calculated as previous due date plus the validity period.
    • One Time Only. Learning plan assignments of this type are required only once for users.
    • Default value: RCD with course due 365 days from user’s previous completion.
  • Enter the number of days the course will be available for initial training prior to the due date. This is the date the course appears on the user’s Learning Plan. To make the course available immediately, this number must be equal to or greater than the number of days until the course is due. For example, if you select the Initial Training to be due 90 days after the user receives the course and you want to make the course available to the user immediately, the availability value must be set to at least 90 days.
    • Default value: 90 days.
  • Click Add.

The learning plan assignment(s) is added to the list of Current Assignments for [audience], and to the Learning Plan Assignments page for each user in the audience.