A special commendation for Washington State University faculty and staff who reach a length-of-service milestone.

You can select an award if you have reached a length-of-service milestone. See the eligibility guidelines.

About the Program

Employee recognition is a vital part of Washington State University. Recognizing and supporting the contributions of our employees is critical to fulfilling the University mission. WSU acknowledges that each employee makes a difference at Washington State University, and strives to identify methods by which meaningful recognition occurs.

Cougar head logo.

At each length-of-service milestone, employees receive:

  • a certificate of service and a letter of congratulations (sent directly to the employee’s attention at their mail stop; if they do not have an active mail stop or they are a fully remote employee, their certificate will be mailed to their home address in Workday.)
  • an invitation to order a pre-selected award (the award is then sent to the employee via their home address listed in Workday)

Changes for 2025:

  • Certificates and letters will be sent directly to the employee’s attention at their mail stop; if they do not have an active mail stop or they are a fully remote employee, their certificate will be mailed to their home address in Workday.
  • Lapel pins have been discontinued.
  • Award selection is pre-determined based on the milestone the employee is reaching. The employee will receive an email and will be asked to confirm their award, opt-out, or update their award delivery address before the award is sent out to their home address in Workday.

Order Timing

Please note that there will be a delay from when you order your item to when it will arrive.

Your order is provided to our vendor at the end of your anniversary month and from there, typically the order will arrive within 1 week depending on the distance.

For example: January Length of Service Honorees – will receive an email from hrs.employeerecognition@wsu.edu during the 1st week of January inviting them to place their order. The order is then provided to our vendor by the 1st week in February. January honorees should anticipate receiving their order around the 2nd week in February.

Length-of-Service Honorees

Celebrating the 2025 length-of-service honorees.

Review previous length-of-service honorees.


As part of the length-of-service program:

  • Faculty and staff are eligible for length of service awards at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 years of service.
  • For Employee Recognition purposes, length of service years are calculated from roles that are held in benefit-eligible positions. Hourly roles/appointments do not count towards employee recognition service milestones.

Please note, in August 2018 the program was expanded to provide faculty recognition starting at five years of service; prior to August 2018, faculty received recognition at 25 years of service.

If you feel you should be reaching a service milestone in 2024 and have not heard from Employee Recognition please contact hrs.employeerecognition@wsu.edu so we can look into your specific situation.