2025 Length-of-Service Honorees
If you feel you should be reaching a service milestone in 2025 and have not heard from Employee Recognition once you reach your Anniversary date, please contact hrs.employeerecognition@wsu.edu so we can look into your specific situation.
February 2025
First Name | Last Name | Area/College | Milestone | Date |
Samuel | Rodriguez Flecha | Access and Opportunity | 10 | February |
Andrea | Dedman | Administrative and Financial Services | 10 | February |
Amy | Ellis | Admissions | 35 | February |
Elizabeth | Phenneger | Advanced Practice and Community-Based Care Department | 5 | February |
Jonathan | Robinson | Ag and Natural Resources | 5 | February |
Elizabeth | Schacht | Ag and Natural Resources | 10 | February |
Emily | Carbaugh | ASCENT, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Center of Excellence (COE) for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment | 5 | February |
Jordan | Malone | Athletics – Football | 5 | February |
Kathryn | Owen | Athletics – Ticket Operations | 10 | February |
Trevor | Wallen | Auxiliary Facilities Services | 10 | February |
Shannon | Wood | Business Operations and Budget | 10 | February |
Michael | Appel | Business Services | 10 | February |
Diane | Rathbun | Business Services | 20 | February |
Lisa | Johnson | CAHNRS | 30 | February |
Kimi | Lucas | CAHNRS | 10 | February |
Lisa | Wood | Carson College of Business – Dept of Marketing and International Business | 5 | February |
Janel | Lang | Carson College of Business Corporate Relations | 5 | February |
Kris | Nilsson | College of Education | 20 | February |
Blake | Baker | College of Veterinary Medicine | 20 | February |
Philip | Bawn | College of Veterinary Medicine | 10 | February |
Lynne | Haley | College of Veterinary Medicine | 25 | February |
Robert | Mealey | College of Veterinary Medicine | 25 | February |
Jennifer | Watts | College of Veterinary Medicine | 25 | February |
Becky | Meyer | Cougar Health Services Patient Services | 10 | February |
Melissa | Larson | Criminal Justice and Criminology | 5 | February |
Laine | Bowie | Crop and Soil Sciences | 10 | February |
Stacie | Sawyer | Custodial | 5 | February |
Erin | Kawamata | Student Affairs – Dining Admin | 10 | February |
Daniel | Rieck | Division of Academic Engagement and Student Achievement | 10 | February |
Judith | Marcin | Educational Affairs | 5 | February |
Amie | Weiss | Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine | 5 | February |
Elizabeth | Murray | Entomology | 5 | February |
Michael | Gaffney | Extension | 25 | February |
Robert | Boren | Facilities Services Compost and Waste Management | 10 | February |
Timurgali | Ismailov | Facilities Services Construction Mechanical/FOMS | 10 | February |
Terrance | Friel | Facilities Services Custodial | 20 | February |
Todd | Andrews | Facilities Services Maintenance Electrical | 25 | February |
Steven | Meeuwsen | Facilities Services Motor Pool | 5 | February |
Derrick | Reynolds | Facilities Services Plant Svs | 10 | February |
Brian | Intermill | Facilities Services Utilities and Steam Plant | 20 | February |
Colin | Pringle | Finance and Administration Information Systems | 10 | February |
Joseph | Hunton | Grounds | 5 | February |
Cindy | Patterson | Grounds | 5 | February |
Zhu | Balogh | Housing | 10 | February |
Gregory | Hooper | Housing | 5 | February |
Jason | Lincoln | Housing | 20 | February |
Angela | Merrill | Human Development | 25 | February |
Paul | Fleming-McCullagh | Human Resource Services | 5 | February |
Matthew | Blythe | Information Technology | 15 | February |
David | Fassler | Information Technology | 30 | February |
Tyler | McPherson | International Programs | 5 | February |
Wendy | Raney | Journalism and Media Production | 10 | February |
Lauren | Paterson | Northwest Public Radio | 5 | February |
Gregory | Raab | Office of IT and Data Management | 5 | February |
Malathi | Jandhyala | Office of Research Assurances | 20 | February |
Jason | O’Loughlin | Office of Research Assurances | 10 | February |
Jeffrey | Moss | Office of Student Achievement | 10 | February |
Bronwyn | Gunn | Paul G. Allen School for Global Health | 5 | February |
Daniel | Tiengo | Police Dept | 10 | February |
Julianne | Jett | PRISM | 5 | February |
Jason | Oliver | Procurement and Contract Services | 5 | February |
Benjamin | Weller | School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 30 | February |
John | Haugen | School of Food Science | 30 | February |
Manish | Chauhan | School of Molecular Biosciences | 5 | February |
Patricia | Hunt | School of Molecular Biosciences | 20 | February |
Kandice | Kambitsch | Student Engagement Services | 30 | February |
Stephen | James | Translational Medicine and Physiology | 10 | February |
Janaina | Capelli Peixoto | Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology | 5 | February |
Kevin | Repp | Veterinary Teaching Hospital | 10 | February |
Brett | Stav | Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture | 10 | February |
Miguel | Mogollon Lancheros | Wenatchee R&E Center | 5 | February |
Christine | Cromar | WSU Prosser IAREC | 15 | February |
Mary | Gormley | Youth and Families | 15 | February |
January 2025
First Name | Last Name | Area/College | Milestone | Date |
Lisa | Bushman | Academic Services | 5 | January |
Consuelo | Walton | Admissions | 5 | January |
Paul | Kuber | Ag and Natural Resources | 10 | January |
Juan | Munguia Delacruz | Ag and Natural Resources | 5 | January |
Katherine | Barton | Athletic Communications | 5 | January |
Louis | Vieth | Auxiliary Facilities Services | 5 | January |
Gustavo | Barbosa-Canovas | Biological Systems Eng. | 35 | January |
Shuang | Zhang | Biological Systems Eng. | 5 | January |
Robert | Harris | Business Office | 5 | January |
Sara | Waters | CAHNRS | 10 | January |
Seth | Truscott | CAHNRS Communications | 10 | January |
Stephen | Jones | CAHNRS Office of Research | 30 | January |
Jolene | Knight | CAHNRS Office of Research | 10 | January |
Waylon | Safranski | CAHNRS Office of Research | 15 | January |
Donald | Allison | CAS and HPSC Advising | 10 | January |
Laurie | Marcum | Center for Community Standards | 5 | January |
Sylvia | Gobel | College of Nursing | 15 | January |
Amy | Donaldson | College of Veterinary Medicine | 5 | January |
Richard | Griffiths | College of Veterinary Medicine | 5 | January |
Rocky | Lucas | College of Veterinary Medicine | 5 | January |
Kingsley | Casayuran | Computer Support | 5 | January |
Amy | Chadwick | Cougar Health Services | 10 | January |
Elizabeth | Nazarov | Cougar Health Services Medical Clinic | 5 | January |
Jessica | Braden | Crop and Soil Sciences | 10 | January |
Michael | Pumphrey | Crop and Soil Sciences | 15 | January |
Claire | Potter | Engineering and Computer Sciences | 5 | January |
Michaelanne | DeMarco | Enrollment and Recruitment | 10 | January |
Joseph | Gilmore | Enterprise Infrastructure Services | 5 | January |
Michael | Hall | Enterprise Infrastructure Services | 5 | January |
Gengping | Zhu | Entomology | 5 | January |
James | Henderson | ESFCOM Academic Operations | 5 | January |
Tina | Bright | ESFCOM Business Services | 10 | January |
Alice | Stricker Savoie | Experiential Services Program Assistants | 5 | January |
Katherine | Smith | Extension Food Systems | 10 | January |
Jean | Duffett | Facilities | 10 | January |
Hmong | Lee | Facilities Services Custodial | 5 | January |
Michael | Pope | Facilities Services Maintenance Electrical | 25 | January |
Mike | Watson | Facilities Services Maintenance Utilities | 25 | January |
Colin | Criss | Honors College | 5 | January |
Feiyan | Guo | Housing | 5 | January |
Timothy | Larreau | Information Technology | 25 | January |
Jessica | McKee | Information Technology | 5 | January |
Rebecca | Huffman | Institute of Materials Research (IMR) | 20 | January |
Leo | Imbornone | International Programs | 5 | January |
Kelly | Newlon | International Programs | 5 | January |
Katrice | Swope | International Programs Admissions | 5 | January |
Marija | Bogic | IREACH | 5 | January |
Elizabeth | Hankins | Liberal Arts | 10 | January |
Lotus | Norton-Wisla | Libraries | 10 | January |
Alexandra | Schaar | Office of Academic Engagement | 5 | January |
Deah | McGaughey | Office of Commercialization | 5 | January |
Geeta | Shrestha | Office of Commercialization | 5 | January |
Joseph | Crossno | Office of Research Assurances | 5 | January |
Paul | Pitre | WSU Everett | 20 | January |
Erin | Clancey | Paul G. Allen School for Global Health | 10 | January |
Eric | Osoro | Paul G. Allen School for Global Health | 5 | January |
Troy | Jackson | Payment Services | 10 | January |
Sophia “Moose” | Letz | Payroll Services | 5 | January |
Anya | Rasmussen | Physics and Astronomy | 5 | January |
Meinan | Wang | Plant Pathology | 15 | January |
Lindsey | Holcomb | PRISM | 5 | January |
Debby | Stinson | Schnitzer Museum of Art | 15 | January |
Shanna | Hiscock | School of Economic Sciences | 15 | January |
Srinivasulu | Badri | School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 5 | January |
Subhanshu | Gupta | School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 10 | January |
Ananth | Jillepalli | School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 5 | January |
Mohammad | Torabi Konjin | School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 5 | January |
Md Rubayet | Mortuza | School of Engineering and Applied Sciences | 5 | January |
Narasimha | Boddeti | School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering | 5 | January |
Min Kyu | Song | School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering | 10 | January |
Kevan | Moffett | Science | 10 | January |
Luz | Sotomayor | Science | 10 | January |
Julie | Zimmerman | Science | 15 | January |
Jacob | Mercer | Southside Cafe | 5 | January |
Mary | Welch | Sponsored Programs Services | 5 | January |
Anthony | Thompson | Strategic Communication | 10 | January |
Jeremy | Foss | Trademark Licensing | 5 | January |
Eva | Szentirmai | Translational Medicine and Physiology | 20 | January |
Matthew | Haugen | University Marketing and Communications | 15 | January |
Bonnie | Campbell | Veterinary Clinical Sciences | 25 | January |
Travis | Burke | Veterinary Teaching Hospital | 10 | January |
Madisyn | Hartman | Veterinary Teaching Hospital | 5 | January |
Summer | Greene | Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab/WADDL | 5 | January |
Kathreen | Miller | WSU Global Campus – Advising | 15 | January |
Leonard | Desrosier | WSU Global Campus – Learning Design | 25 | January |
Francisco | Garcia Rodriguez | WSU Prosser IAREC | 10 | January |
Suzanne | Fricke | WSU Spokane | 10 | January |
Michelle | McCartney | WSU Spokane | 5 | January |
Nathalie | Dart | WSU Vancouver | 5 | January |
Acacia | Corylus | Youth and Families | 10 | January |
Last updated February 3, 2025. Please contact the Employee Recognition Program at hrs.employeerecognition@wsu.edu with updates or corrections to this list.