Washington State University is committed to preventing campus violence and ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all faculty, staff, students, and/or visitors. Established WSU policies, such as the Workplace Violence Policy, Domestic Violence Policy, etc., will serve as the mechanisms for resolving situations of violence and/or threats of violence. In conjunction with the established policies, all situations of violence and/or threats of violence will be taken seriously.

As a WSU Employee, what can I do?

Prepare for an emergency by using these tips:

See Something? Say Something!

  • Call 911 for immediate threats and assistance.
  • Individuals who are concerned with an individual’s or group’s threatening behavior, or who have witnessed or are subject to violence or a threat, should contact local law enforcement.
  • If the concern is not for an immediate threat and involves an employee, call HRS at (509 335-4521.
  • If you have knowledge of any acts of hazing, please complete the Hazing Report Form.

Concerned about a co-worker or colleague’s well being?

Has their behavior caused you to worry about his or her potential actions?

If there is a possibility that a co-worker or colleague may immediately harm themselves or others, call 911.

For the Pullman campus, WSU Police provides immediate assistance for emergencies and conducts criminal investigations as predicated by law for incidents within the WSU community.

Encountered instances of distressing, disruptive, dangerous, concerning behavior and/or threats?

  • Threats or concerning behavior should be reported to the Threat Assessment Team (TAT).
  • Anyone may submit a report of instances of distressing, disruptive, or dangerous behavior to the TAT through email or the reporting tool.
  • Email: threat.assessment.team@wsu.edu
  • TAT Reporting Form
  • Offices such as HRS, WSU Police, Student Care Team who receive reports of Concerning behavior may also refer cases to TAT by those offices on an as needed basis.

WSU Threat Assessment Team

The WSU Threat Assessment Team receives and assesses reports of threats and other concerning behavior reportedly carried out by students, employees of the university, or by others who may impact the safety of the WSU community in accordance with Executive Policy 42 (EP 42). The EP 42 Threat Assessment Team coordinates with university stakeholders to receive and assess information of potential threats using evidence-based behavioral structured professional judgement assessment model. Further, the team recommends university action regarding safety and security matters to the appropriate university decision makers, consistent with carrying out the university’s mission and goals.

WSU Safety Plan Teams

Purpose: The purpose of the Safety Plan Teams is to identify, assess, collaborate, and manage situations indicating violent or potentially violent behavior by individuals or groups and develop a safety plan for the potentially impacted employee(s).

WSU’s Safety Plan Teams will be convened by Human Resource Services (HRS) to review and analyze concerns or threats of violence involving WSU employees.

The Safety Plan Teams will be composed of representatives from the following:

  • HRS
  • WSU Police Department
  • Department representative, typically a Manager/Supervisor and, in some cases, Appointing Authority of the affected administrative area

The Safety Plan Teams may also include representatives from the following, as needed:

  • Risk Management
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • The appropriate Assistant Attorney General may act in an advisory capacity

What do I need to know about:

Domestic Violence

WSU’s position on domestic violence in the workplace, and guidelines for dealing with domestic violence issues in the WSU community, are detailed in the Domestic Violence Guidelines.

WSU provides a checklist for reporting domestic violence at WSU.

Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking (DVSAS) Leave and Protections

Under the Washington State Law (RCW 49.76.010) if an employee or an employee’s family member is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, the employee may take a reasonable amount of unpaid leave or use any accrued leave to recover from and cope with the effects of such violence.

Visit the Human Resource Services – Disability Services DVSAS Leave Website for more information or contact HRS at hrs.disabilityservices@wsu.edu or (509) 335-9158.

Public Records Exemption Request

Public employees, or their dependents may request an exemption of the disclosure of personally identifiable information under the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), as amended by Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1533, if they are a survivor of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or harassment.

To apply for this exemption, complete the Employee Public Records Exemption Request Form and return it to HRS. Supporting documentation as described on the form may also need to be provided to HRS.

Address Confidentiality Program

The Washington Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) offers survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or trafficking, and Criminal Justice Affiliates, Election Officials, and Protected Health Care Workers who are a target for threats or harassment, a substitute mailing address to receive first class mail. The address is accepted by Washington state, county, and city government agencies in lieu of a residential address for creating records

Workplace Violence

Reporting Child Abuse

All higher education employees are to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the proper authorities as outlined in Senate Bill 5991.

Alcohol and Drug Policy

The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy and Program, in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol on University-controlled property.

In addition, WSU prohibits the use of controlled substances in the workplace, provides educational and training programs, and complies with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.

Additional Resources

  • WSU Dean of Students – Health Promotion: Dean of Students – Health Promotion offers a range of services related to substance use, including: counseling, groups, workshops and outreach programs, consultation, and assessment to WSU students, faculty, and staff.
  • Office of the Ombudsman: The Ombudsman is designated by the university to function as an impartial and neutral resource to assist all members of the university community, and to protect the interests, rights, and privileges of students, staff, and faculty at all levels of university operations.
  • Alternatives to Violence on the Palouse on Pullman Campus: Alternatives to Violence on the Palouse (ATVP) is a private, non-profit organization that provides free, confidential help for victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence, friends and non-offending family members, with a focus on prevention education and community outreach. Representatives are available to meet with WSU students and employees 24 hours a day. ATVP’s Pullman campus location is in the Women’s Center, Wilson Short Building Room 8. Appointments can be scheduled by contacting (509) 332-HELP (4357).

Important campus safety resource sites:








Updated February 2025