Tobacco Nicotine Free: WSU Pullman
The Washington State University Board of Regents recently adopted Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 504-38 which will go into effect August 22, 2016.
These rules prohibit the use of tobacco and nicotine products at WSU Pullman. Smoking and nicotine materials must be secured, extinguished, or disposed of prior to entering WSU Pullman property or exiting private vehicles.
Improper disposal, including spitting of smokeless tobacco or discarding cigarette butts on the ground or out of a vehicle is not permitted.
With the implementation of the new WAC and in support of a safe and healthy learning/working environment, WSU will focus on the promotion of tobacco and nicotine cessation programs and resources for faculty, staff and students.
Cessation programs and resources are available for faculty and staff at Quit Tobacco and for students at Health & Wellness Services.

The WSU Pullman tobacco and nicotine use policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, visitors, contractors and other persons at the WSU Owned and Managed Noncontiguous Properties policies.
Additional information is available from Environmental Health and Safety at: Environmental Health and Safety’s Tobacco and Nicotine Free website.
Tobacco & Nicotine use information by location: