New employees receive access to their online learning account after their hire action is successfully completed within Workday.

Visit the Pecipio FAQ for details regarding new employee access to the learning platform, timelines, navigation instructions, and how to locate your required assignments. Completion of all courses within an assignment or journey is necessary to fulfill the program requirements.

New employees/rehired employees are assigned an applicable New Employee Journey within 10 days of their first full day of employment.

University Required Training

The courses/trainings identified below are mandatory for all employees. If your role requires additional training beyond the system-wide requirements, your immediate supervisor will provide further information.

Annual Required Training

Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under Executive Policy 15 (formerly Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct and Prevention)

All WSU employees, including students, temp hourly, and graduate students, must complete EP-15 within the first six months of hire/rehire, and annually thereafter. Annual EP-15 training is assigned by Learning and Organizational Development on the first business day of January, due 180 days from the assigned date.

Ethics in Public Service: Executive Policy 45

Each Washington State officer and employee has the personal responsibility to comply with state requirements outlined in RCW 42.52 and WAC 292, all WSU faculty and staff, including students, temp hourly, and graduate students must complete Ethics in Public Service within the first six months of hire/rehire, then annually thereafter. Annual EP-45 training is assigned by Learning and Organizational Development on the first business day of January and is due 180 days from the assigned date.

Hazing Prevention

All WSU faculty and staff, including students, temp hourly, and graduate students are required to complete this training within the first six months of hire/rehire, then annually thereafter. Annual Hazing Prevention is assigned by Learning and Organizational Development on July 1st and is due 180 days from the assigned date.

Cyber Security Awareness at WSU Journey

All active WSU employees, including faculty, student, and temp hourly employees are required to complete this training within six months of hire/rehire, then annually thereafter. Annual Cyber Security Awareness training is assigned by Learning and Organizational Development on July 1st and is due 180 days from the assigned date. Individual courses within the journey are:

  • WSU Incident Response Training

Minimizing Unconcious Bias and Microaggressions

All WSU faculty and staff, including students, temp hourly, and graduate students are required to complete this training within the first six months of hire, then annually thereafter. Annual Miniminzing Unconscious Bias and Microaggressions training is assigned by Learning and Organizational Development on July 1st and is due 180 days from the assigned date.

Once-Upon-Hire Required Training

Safety Training for WSU Employees Journey

All WSU faculty and staff, including students, temp hourly, and graduate students are required to complete this training, within the first six months of hire. Safety Training for WSU Employees is assigned upon hire/rehire within the New Employee Journey by Learning and Organizational Development upon a fully completed Workday personnel file- typically within 10 days from the first day of employment. Individual courses contained within the Safety Training for WSU Employees Journey are:

  • Back Safety and Injury Prevention
  • Slips, Trips, and Falls
  • Emergency and Fire Preparedness
  • Portable Fire Extinguisher Safety
  • Personal Protective Equipment Fundamentals
  • Asbestos Awareness
  • Office Ergonomics

Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) is dedicated to the safety of all University students, employees, and visitors. Additional training that may be applicable to your specific job role can be found on the Environmental Health and Safety page. Your immediate supervisor will provide information for supplemental training requirements should it be required.

Recommended Training

Whistleblower Act

All WSU employees at all levels within the organization are encouraged to participate in this training. The intent of the Whistleblower Act enacted by the Washington State Legislature is to provide an avenue for state employees to report improper governmental actions.

Business Policies, Procedures, and Records Retention

This course discusses WSU’s Business Policies and Procedures Manual, the history of the manual, how it’s updated, and how to use it. Additionally, records scheduling and retention, as well as state records requirements are also reviewed.

Public Records and Records Requests

As a public institution, Washington State University must provide, upon request, any records or documents that pertain to our activities. This course aims to cover the fundamental aspects of Public Records Law.

Family Education Rights and Policy Act (FERPA)

FERPA is a federal law that all WSU employees must follow regarding the rights of students and their education records. Each employee, prior to receiving access to education records, must go through a training that outlines the basics of the law including the privacy of education records. 

Faculty Specific Orientation

Each fall, the Office of the Provost sponsors an orientation specifically for new WSU Faculty.

Student/Volunteer Training

Student workers on an active WSU paid appointment will be assigned training in Percipio through the applicable New Employee Journey upon hire. Student employees on a continual paid appointment refer to the University Required Trainings above.

Students and volunteers who do not have an active paid appointment with the organization will need to seek training through the content experts to identify avenues to receive the necessary training:

Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under Executive Policy 15 (formerly Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Prevention)

Safety Training

Lab safety and other safety training courses can be accessed in Canvas.

Hazing Prevention

Training for Hazing Prevention is provided by the Center for Community Standards.

Cyber Security Awareness Training

Refer to the WSU Information Security Policy, EP-37 for information regarding Cyber Security Awareness Training.

FERPA Training

Training for FERPA is provided by the Office of the Registrar. Visit the FERPA Training page to complete the request form for Non-HRS Managed Employees. This includes Teaching Assistants, Students, Contractors, etc., as well as those who require FERPA to access WSU resources such as myWSU, or Workday.