Did you know that approximately 70% of Washingtonians will eventually need long-term services as they age? These services can be expensive, but most long-term care is not covered by Medicare or health insurance and Medicaid only covers it after you’ve spent your life savings down to $2,000.

The majority of WSU employees pay into the WA Cares Fund as a payroll tax, unless they were approved for an exemption. Representatives from the Department of Social and Health Services, the administering agency of the program, will be providing presentations to WSU employees regarding the WA Cares Fund. This is an opportunity to ask questions and learn about the program and the benefits that it provides.

There are two opportunities to attend this presentation. Both days will have a Zoom option: Zoom Meeting ID: 812 058 2016.

  • Thursday, Sept. 12,
    2:30–3:30 p.m.
    Spokane Academic Center (SAC) 401A
  • Friday, Sept. 13
    9:30–10:30 a.m.
    Lighty 405 (Pullman)

If you have questions about the presentation, please contact HRS Benefits at hrs.benefits@wsu.edu or at 509-335-4589. Additional information regarding the WA Cares Fund can be found at wacaresfund.wa.gov and the WSU WA Cares website.