Pride Month means something different to everyone. It is a time for celebration, and reflection.  Each June, people throughout the world join together to celebrate Pride Month so they do not forget the Stonewall riots that happened in June 1969.

Below are some suggestions to consider as you decide how you want to contribute and participate in Pride Month:

  • Complete a Diversity and Inclusion course to create a safe and friendly environment for all employees
  • Participate in an activity that will positively impact the LBGTQIA2S+ community
  • Donate to a charity supporting human rights
  • Volunteer at a local event that will raise awareness of the current issues facing the LBGTQIA2S+ community

This Pride Month, consider making diversity, equity, and inclusion a priority throughout the year.  Spend time understanding the issues facing the LBGTQIA2S+ community.  To learn more, consider accessing one of the many resources hand-picked for you below and in Percipio.

Content Credit: Carey Musburger, Learning and Organiztaional Development Assistant