The November 2023 issue of the HR Source newsletter is out now! Get reminders and information from the Benefits unit on Open Enrollment; review updates from the Modernization team; and explore a wealth of learning opportunities.

In the November 2023 issue you’ll find:

A Look Back at Elevating Cougs 2023

On October 19 & 20, nearly 800 WSU staff and faculty, as well as speakers from other universities and organizations, joined Modernization and HRS’ Learning & Organizational Development for the first-ever Elevating Cougs conference. We’d like to thank the WSU community for making Elevating Cougs a success. By attending, presenting, or supporting planning efforts, you helped make this unique event possible!

We are excited this first-ever event was a smashing success and have already begun to plan for next year. If you attended Elevating Cougs, we encourage you to complete the anonymous survey. Your feedback and suggestions on what worked, what didn’t, as well as session topics you’d like to see will help make next year’s event even better.

Leadership Development Programs

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to participate in a one year facilitated networking group focusing on advancing your professional development. Leadership Transitions, Leader to Self is targeted in supporting supervisors who have completed their WSU New Supervisor training, and want to learn additional skills and tools to be successful in their role. Leadership Mastery, Leader of Teams targets the support of individuals recently transitioned to a director role, or who are seeking to increase their skills to become a director. Visit the Leadership Development Cohorts page for details and informative FAQ. Applications are being accepted for our two remaining leadership cohorts, thru Nov. 30th. Both series will launch January 2024.

President’s Employee Excellence Award Nominations

President’s Employee Excellence Award Nominations are now being accepted for the 2023-24 President’s Employee Excellence Awards. The award is presented annually to recognize outstanding contributions by WSU administrative professionals and classified employees. Staff at all WSU locations are eligible to be nominated for this award. Award criteria include outstanding contributions made by the employee regarding the productivity of the university; innovative problem-solving; positive working relations, and university and community service. Award recipients each receive $2,500 and will be recognized at the annual Showcase event to be held in the spring of 2024.

Benefits: Open Enrollment November 1-30

Open Enrollment is the one time each year when you can make changes to, and enroll in, certain benefits for the upcoming plan year. Step-by-step instructions, important information on upcoming benefit changes, and many other resources can be found on Percipio. All changes are made online through Workday.

Refer to the newsletter for more information about benefits fairs and presentations, as well as reminders about SmartHealth, voluntary retirement contributions, and retiree re-employment procedures.

Workday: How to Use HR Person Types in Workday

Person Types are a fundamental building block of an HR record in Workday. They determine whether the person can be paid, how they can be paid, what kind of security roles may be assigned to them, and what kind of organizations they may be a part of. Learn more about using HR Person Types in Workday. Find more updates about the September feature release in the newsletter.

Learning and Organizational Development Highlights

New Percipio Channel: Diversity and Allyship at WSU: Our newest custom channel Diversity and Allyship at WSU, focuses on improving diversity in your work at Washington State University.

Develop your conversation skills with CAISY: Hone conversation skills and challenging interactions with Percipio’s newest tool: CAISY (Conversation AI Simulator).

Managing Diversity: November’s featured Watch, Read and Listen. Refer to the newsletter for suggested resources for managing diversity effectively.