HR Source Newsletter Issue 105 Available Now

The January 2024 issue of the HR Source newsletter is out now! Announcing Percipio 2.0 and open registration for the Employee Recognition Reception in February, also find reminders and information from the Benefits unit; review updates from the Modernization team; and explore a wealth of learning opportunities.
In the January issue you’ll find more information on the following topics:
Percipio 2.0 is here!
WSU migrated its Learning Management System from Skillsoft to Percipio in 2022, offering its core content on the new platform in addition to WSU and Percipio-created offerings. Percipio also became the host for the university’s compliance training and has seen significant additional content added by Human Resource Services in the months since. On December 20th, Learning and Organizational Development transitioned the existing compliance training content to the main platform for the learning management system. The launch of Percipio 2.0 expands access for compliance-only users to include all WSU-created content, including on-demand and instructor-led trainings, such as Coaching the Van Driver.
Employee Recognition Reception registration now open
The 2023 Employee Recognition Reception will be held on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM. The reception is to honor all faculty and staff milestones achieved between January 1, 2023, to December 12, 2023, and 2023 Crimson Spirit Award recipients. The event is hosted at locations throughout the WSU System and available to view live via
General attendee registration for the reception is open now through February 10, 2024: Register today! Please note that this event will not have assigned seating and room numbers will only be provided to those who register. Please share this information amongst your teams and contact or 509‑335‑5098 with questions.
Benefits Updates
New Medical Insurance Rates Will be Reflected on the January 10, 2024 Paycheck
With the start of a new insurance plan year, premium rates have changed for most medical plans. To view the 2024 rates, visit
PERS 3 Transfer Window—January 2024
PERS 2 participants who established membership prior to March 1, 2002, are eligible to switch to PERS 3 every January. To learn more about this option, visit the DRS website. If you decide you would like to change plans, contact the HRS Benefits Staff at 509-335-4521 or at
Join a Pre-Retirement Seminar
Are you thinking of retiring in 2024? If so, consider attending a Pre-Retirement Seminar! These are held monthly via Zoom. See the schedule and learn more at
SmartHealth moving to WebMD January 2024
The state’s online wellbeing program is getting new home for 2024! SmartHealth will be down for a few days as it transitions and refreshes for the new year, then will go live with a new and improved experience to support you in your wellness journey. Join WebMD for a demonstration of the SmartHealth platform and get oriented to the new features, tools, and custom experience SmartHealth offers. January 25, 2024; 12-12:30 PM – Register to participate.
Learning and Organizational Development
Campus specific New Employee Orientation sessions now available!
As we continue to towards our goal of providing the best onboarding experience for new employees, HRS Learning and Organizational Development is excited to announce the launch of campus specific orientations. Starting in January, Pullman, Spokane, and Tri-Cities will be offering monthly sessions focusing on campus specific processes, procedures and policies. Vancouver and Everett campus orientations will also be launching with sessions twice a year, starting this spring, and again in the fall. New employees can register for their campus session through the New Employee Journey assigned to them in Percipio.
A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish: 2024 a Year of Purpose
The start of a New Year signifies a renewed sense of determination to achieve goals and keep resolutions, both personal and professional. Understanding the importance of goals and the techniques involved in setting achievable goals paves the way for success, in addition to giving direction and motivation to achieve happiness and fulfillment in life.
National Mentoring Month
Each January, we come together as a community to ignite passions and help turn those dreams into reality with National Mentoring Month. National Mentoring Month is a movement to celebrate the power of supportive and meaningful mentor relationships! A mentor is someone the mentee can trust and turn to when they need to make decisions who can offer constructive feedback, encouragement, and help to keep you moving forward on your journey toward success.
Modernization Updates
Workday for WSU turns 3!
In January 2024, Workday for WSU has been live for 3 years. We’d like to take a moment to look back at how far we’ve come since launch—and to say thank you.
Verify scheduled hours per week for hourly workdays
Departments should ensure hourly employees’ scheduled hours per week, which calculates into FTE, are accurately reflected for each of their positions. This value impacts decisions made in Workday, including benefits eligibility, and is utilized to project payroll expenses on grants within Workday Adaptive Grants Forecasting.
Video tutorial added to several time and leave guides
We’ve expanded several time, leave, and absence guides to include a video tutorial explaining how to find a time block or a time off or leave of absence request once it has been submitted or requested.