HR Source Newsletter Issue 90 Available Now

The October 2022 issue of the HR Source newsletter is out now, with information about the upcoming Annual Quarter Century Club celebration, Open Enrollment, changes to SmartHealth access, Staff Mentoring, and more.
In the October issue you’ll find:
- The 89th Annual Quarter Century Club celebration will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. in the M.G. Carey Senior Ballroom in the Compton Union Building on the WSU Pullman Campus. General attendee registration for this celebration will be available soon.
- Staff Mentoring: Applications are now available for both mentor and mentee participants through October 28, 2022. For eligibility details and to apply, please visit the WSU Staff Mentoring Program page.
- WSU is hosting a Thursday night football game on October 27, 2022. Pullman campus parking lots will need to be cleared of employee and student vehicles by 3:00 PM on Thursday, October 27, 2022. For more information, visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.
- New required Hazing Prevention course: All newly hired WSU faculty, administrative professional, civil service, bargaining unit, and graduate student employees are required to complete the Hazing Prevention course within the first six months of employment. The Hazing Prevention course (approximately 30 min) can be completed through the Percipio Compliance platform.
- The annual benefits open enrollment period is almost here! The November Annual Open Enrollment period is coming soon. Keep an eye on the HRS Open Enrollment page and Percipio where information and resources will be posted as they become available.
- WSU Training for Supervisors: Per WAC 357-34-055 employees newly appointed to a permanent supervisory or management position are required to successfully complete entry-level supervisory training. WSU offers a Supervisory Series for new supervisors/managers that meets this statutory requirement. The program has been updated and improved with the implementation of Skillsoft Percipio.
- New SmartHealth login requirement: Beginning October 1, SmartHealth users will access the program through Secure Access Washington (SAW), the state’s secure single sign-on portal for external users. SmartHealth members will receive additional reminders about the change. For now, here is what you need to know:
- If you have not done so already, please create a SAW account.
- After October 1, you will be prompted to match your SAW account to your existing SmartHealth account.
- You no longer need to log into SmartHealth with a unique email address and password; instead, you will use your SAW credentials for SmartHealth.
- All points, levels, activities, and Well-Being Assessment results achieved in SmartHealth this year will be unaffected by the update.