HR Source Newsletter Issue 91 Available Now

The November 2022 issue of the HR Source newsletter is out now, introducing the HRS Talent Acquisition Team and including information about Open Enrollment, the Workday mass time submission, WSU training for supervisors, and more.
In the November issue you’ll find:
- The HRS Talent Acquisition Team: Meet Tiffany Bascomb, Talent Acquisition Specialist, and Lauren Kirkpatrick, Talent Acquisition Assistant.
- End to COVID-19 Emergency Orders: On September 8, 2022, Governor Inslee announced an end to the remaining COVID-19 emergency orders and state of emergency by October 31, 2022. President Schulz announced on Friday, October 21, 2022, Washington State University will eliminate the employee, contractor, and volunteer vaccine requirement in coordination with Governor Inslee’s announcement.
- Fair Labor Standards Act: Impact to Research Faculty Positions: HRS has schedule system-wide training sessions focused on impacts to Research Faculty Positions.
- Benefits: Open Enrollment November 1-30, 2022: Open Enrollment is the one time each year when you can make changes to, and enroll in, certain benefits for the upcoming plan year. Step-by-step instructions, important information on upcoming benefit changes, and many other resources can be found on Percipio.
- Workday: Mass Time Submission: On Saturday, October 8, 2022, HR initiated a mass time submission event. This automated action submitted time to Time Approvers for all time entries with the status of Not Submitted, Denied, or Sent Back for the period of December 16, 2020 through August 31, 2022.
- Learning: WSU Training for Supervisors: WSU offers a Supervisory Series for new supervisors/managers that meets this statutory requirement. The program has been updated and improved with the implementation of Skillsoft Percipio. Packaged into a Journey, the guided learning path comprises of tracks of content in a recommended order.
- Reminders:
- Nominate for Crimson Spirit!
- Paydays Thurs., November, 10 and Wed., November 23.