July 2024 Learning and Organizational Development Updates

New! Title IX Updates to WSU and Employee Responsibilities under Title IX Micro-Learning
Recently the U.S. Department of Education published a regulation requiring employees to engage in specific disclosure and reporting activities relating to Title IX, the federal law prohibiting sex discrimination. Compliance and Civil Rights, in collaboration with Learning and Organizational Development, have created a new micro-learning course providing necessary guidance to meet this new regulation, effective August 1, 2024.
WSU Executive Coaching Program

Through the Executive Coaching program, WSU faculty and staff have access to coaches from ten external executive coaching firms who have a variety of specialties and experience in a wide range of settings.
Executive coaching offers many benefits including new outlooks on personal challenges, improved decision-making skills, increased confidence, and greater overall effectiveness. Those who utilize coaching services have seen a substantial improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the accomplishment of significant goals.
Visit the newly updated Executive Coaching webpage for additional program information and coach bios.
Discover Exciting Gems in Percipio!
Leadercamp Live! Midweek Meditation Moments: This 30-minute Skillsoft meditation series uses a variety of techniques to help participants unlock the extensive benefits of meditation. Recognized as one of the most effective methods for combating stress and anxiety, meditation is essential for enhancing well-being.
Log into Percipio and search ‘Midweek Meditation’ to locate courses and register for the next upcoming session.
Big Book of Brainstorming Games: The best ideas can come from anywhere! The Big Book of Brainstorming Games gives you the tools and knowledge to build a solid, structured foundation for free-form interaction and fearless conceptualizing.

Now, you can get everyone in on the game and make great things happen! Readers learn tools for framing challenges to provide team members with structure and context; master the proven “Four Rules of Brainstorming” for amazing results, and create an environment of trust that encourages and inspires valuable contributions from people of all backgrounds and levels. Unlock the fun in Percipio.
Learning Opportunity Spotlight
2024-2026 WSU-UAW Contract Training for WSU Supervisors & Administrators: July
Supervisor and Administrator training regarding the 2024-2026WSU-UAW Contract covering Academic Student Employees (ASE’s): learn about the provisions and requirements of the Contract as it relates to this newly organized bargaining unit. Additional dates are available in Percipio.
Graduate Assistantship Processing: July
Designed for WSU administrative staff, the Graduate Assistantship Processing workshop focuses on assistantship eligibility criteria, training requirements, Workday actions, sponsored student memos and much more. A great opportunity to review any changes and prepare for the upcoming semester assistantship processing. Additional dates are available in Percipio.
Legacy Financial Warehouse OBIEE Training, 7/9
Learn how to create new analyses, apply filters and functions, construct compound layouts that incorporate titles, tables, pivot tables, and graphical representations of data in the 12c environment. *This course has required prerequisites, please check the registration information in Percipio before enrolling.*
Emotional Intelligence, 7/10
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage our own emotions and effectively relate to others. This course covers skills in recognizing, understanding, and managing emotions, which are essential for team development, effective communication, and motivation. *This course has required prerequisites, please check the registration information in Percipio before enrolling.*
Procurement Card: New Cardholders, 7/11
This course is the required training for participants in the WSU Purchasing Card Program. Account Reconcilers are strongly encouraged to attend and attendance is required of all new Cardholders.
myWSU: Query Foundations, 7/17
As the initial session in a two-part series on Query training, this course will concentrate on fundamental functionalities of the query tool. Participants will receive practical training in crafting and executing straightforward queries. Upon completion, participants are expected to pass a written examination and preform a final query activity as a prerequisite to the Advanced Query Techniques course.
myWSU: Advanced Query Techniques, 7/17
A follow-up to Query Techniques, this course builds on knowledge gained from Query Foundations. Participants are expected to have working knowledge and understanding of basic query concepts, allowing more time to be spent on authoring, running, and validating query results. To receive credit for the course, participants are expected to pass a written examination and preform a final query activity. *This course has required prerequisites, please check the registration information in Percipio before enrolling.*
myWSU: Bi-Data Warehouse 12c Analytics Training (OBIEE Student Data)
This course is designed to equip end users with the necessary skills to effectively utilize the complete array of analysis and reporting functionalities available within the 12c environment. *This course has required prerequisites, please check the registration information in Percipio before enrolling.*
Coaching the Van Driver, 7/18
Designed for drivers of WSU cargo or passenger vans includes information on conducting a vehicle inspection, safe driving skills, driving environments, and special considerations. Collision reporting procedures are also discussed.
Hostile Intruder Training, 7/23
Featuring the video, “Run. Hide. Fight.” followed by discussion, this training provides a wealth of information and options to bear in mind should the unthinkable happen.
Foundations of Academic Advising, Pt. 2, 7/23
This course further explores the foundations of advising and expands upon the knowledge gained through Foundations of Academic Advising Part 1. It provides participants with opportunities, through case studies and interactive activities, to build upon their knowledge of how to communicate effectively with students in an advising session. Participants also learn about the variety of resources available for students in order to make effective referrals.
Supervisor as Leader, 7/31
A variety of leadership styles and theories are examined in this Washington State University supervisory course, with an emphasis upon the application of Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model. *This course is part of the WSU Training for Supervisors*
Content Credit: Carey Musburger, Learning and Organizational Development Assistant