Areas and colleges make progress on Employee Engagement Survey Action Items

Greetings and Happy Fall!
Washington State University completed the 3rd bi-annual Employee Engagement Survey (EES) in April of 2018 and is preparing for the 2020 EES currently planned for March 30th – April 12th. The bi-annual EES survey is an opportunity for faculty and staff throughout the WSU system to provide feedback to senior leaders.
As part of WSU’s on-going efforts to improve employee engagement, area and college leaders developed action plans to address issues identified by the 2018 EES. A few of the actions are highlighted below:
College of Agriculture, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences & WSU Extension, as one of their key action items, have emphasized the importance of providing employees with available resources on wellness and encouraging the use of WSU employee wellness programs. This is an ongoing effort and CAHNRS has provided detailed wellness resource communications and information on the Employee Assistance Program to CAHNRS faculty and staff.
University Marketing and Communications have expanded their leadership team to improve communication efforts regarding changes within the University and to provide information to staff on Employee Wellness and Development through individual team meetings. Additionally, University Marketing and Communications invited the Human Resource Services Wellness Coordinator to their area all-staff meeting to present information on the WSU WellCoug program.
Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture have implemented a majority of their action plan items already. Two recent items of focus were Employee Communications and Supervisor Development. VCEA has implemented a weekly employee announcement which includes training opportunities for employees in addition to establishing a VCEA Faculty Advisory Committee to share university, college, and departmental information between employees and leadership. In the realm of Supervisor Development, they are modifying college wide training requirements and working to establish a Speaker’s Series on Leadership for the College’s Leadership Team.
WSU Tri-Cities have worked towards their action item of ensuring supervisors / directors / managers and employees are familiar with campus and university resources. They have made progress towards this action item by launching campus wide new and improved newsletters which include information on retirement seminars, articles from the Employee Assistance Program and other training opportunities for the Tri-Cities campus. WSU-TC is measuring the success of these communications by reviewing open rate and click rate analytics.
Starting in the New Year, communications for the 2020 bi-annual EES survey will launch. In 2018, there was nearly a 45% response rate system wide! Please help us reach our goal for a 50% response rate.
The 2018 EES information is available on the Employee Engagement Survey page. Your input helps WSU continue to improve!

Theresa Elliot-Cheslek
Chief Human Resource Officer
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