Public Student Loan Forgiveness and Limited Waiver – Upcoming Webinars

WSU and the Washington Student Loan Advocate have partnered to provide a webinar covering Public Student Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) and the PSLF waiver (ending on October 31st). Understanding what is required and knowing where and how to take the first steps to qualify for this opportunity can be confusing. Join the presentation to better understand this program, which will cover types of loans, repayment plans, eligibility requirements, and how to take advantage of the PSLF limited waiver opportunity. Instructors will provide time for questions and links to resources so you can take the next steps and navigate your way through the process.
WSU hosted webinar sessions on 10/6 and 11; a recording of this session is available to view on-demand.
Additional sessions are being hosted through the Washington Student Advocacy Council- click on the session date/time to register to attend.