The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development underscores the richness of global cultures and highlights the significance of intercultural dialogue in nurturing peace and sustainable development. As an international observance dedicated to promoting diversity, it offers a platform for individuals to enhance their appreciation for cultural diversity and improve their ability to coexist harmoniously.

Take part in this day by participating in cultural diversity events that are happening around the world.  Look in your neighborhood for concerts, educational seminars, workshops, and exhibitions.  Here are some other ideas to consider:

  • Find a museum that focuses on other cultures
  • Watch an international movie
  • Learn a new dance based on music from a different culture
  • Try cooking dinner based on an ethnic recipe (or order in!)
  • Volunteer with an organization working for diversity and inclusion
  • Play, or attend, a sporting event related to a different culture.

More ways to learn about Cultural Diversity:

Content Credit: Carey Musburger, Learning & Organizational Development Assistant