Understanding EAP and insurance mental health benefits for out-of-state WSU employees

HRS is aware of instances in the past wherein WSU out-of-state employees wishing to seek the counseling services of EAP providers and discovered limitations. Based on conversations with EAP personnel, it was determined that the physical location of the employee contacting them is taken into consideration, as well as the licensing status of any mental health professionals that are available to help.

From a legal perspective, each state governs only individuals who are physically reside in that state, and also issues licenses to mental health professionals whom the state has determined are qualified to provide services to people in their state. When someone is physically present in a particular state, only the mental health professionals who are licensed by that state are legally authorized to provide counseling services to that person.
For example, if an employee of one of their client organizations, such as WSU, lives out of state (in Pennsylvania, for example), mental health counseling services can only be legally provided by a mental health professional who is licensed by the state of Pennsylvania. Therefore, Washington state health providers are not authorized by other states to provide the mental health counseling. Presently, Washington State EAP has only counselors licensed in Washington and our neighboring states, Idaho and Oregon, but not in other states.
When a covered employee who is living outside Washington, Idaho, or Oregon contacts EAP with a counseling support need, their goal is to help them find and get connected to local resources that can help them. This could include researching/providing contact info for the local agency that provides mental health support, searching counselor-finder websites for possible local counselors (like Psychology Today), and more.
In addition to EAP services, if an employee is on a WSU Medical Insurance plan, there are also mental health benefits provided through their insurance. It is strongly recommended that an employee contact their insurance plans to learn of their mental health benefits and how to pursue them. Their insurance plan can also help them find a preferred provider in the area they reside in. Information and details on mental health benefits can be found in the plans Certificates of Coverage, which are posted at https://hrs.wsu.edu/medical-insurance/ in the right-hand column.
Please reach out to HRS Benefits with any questions or concerns regarding EAP and insurance benefits for employees outside of the Pacific Northwest.