Workday & Modernization Updates: May 2024

New! Workday Absence Calendar experience coming May 4th
In May 2024, Modernization is launching several major enhancements to the Absence Calendar in Workday that will make the way employees request and manage their absence quicker, easier, and more transparent. These changes impact all WSU employees who use Workday to request and manage time off and leave.
New! Automatic candidate messages are now in place for Job Application process
New automatic messages will now be sent to job candidates based on certain disposition (or decline) reasons. Read more.
Closing vacant Hourly Worker positions
With the launch of the new Non-Permanent employee types at the end of 2022, the 8250 Hourly Worker job profile remained active for a limited time for current employees. The Hourly Worker job profile has since been inactivated, effective December 31, 2023. Read more.
Canceling unwanted Change Benefits tasks in Workday
As a result of initiating Change Benefits events in error, you may be left with unwanted items in your Workday My Tasks list that can impact desired events in the future. However, you can avoid these conflicts by clearing your My Tasks (Inbox) of these items. Learn more here.
Elevating Cougs page has moved to HRS Learning & Organizational Development website
The primary webpage and home for information for the Elevating Cougs conference has moved from the Modernization site to the HRS Learning & Organizational Development (LOD) site. The new site will be the source of conference news and resources for Elevating Cougs 2024 and beyond.
Content Credit: Emily Akin, Modernization Change Management Communications Coordinator