National Wellness Month is a dedicated time to prioritize and promote holistic well-being across various aspects of life. It serves as a reminder to individuals and communities to focus on self-care, healthy habits, and overall wellness. It’s a time to cultivate healthy lifestyles, explore different wellness practices, and raise awareness about the importance of self-care.

Research shows that taking time off can boost both work performance and overall well-being. If you have the opportunity to rest before the fall semester begins, consider taking a break to recharge and recenter yourself before the busy pace resumes. Washington State’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides resources that emphasize the benefits of stepping away from work to relax, refresh, and return feeling more energized and focused.

“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.” ~ Eleanor Brown

Unsure how to start your wellness journey?

Practice mindfulness to reduce stress and promote mental clarity. Percipio recently launched Midweek Meditation Moments, a 30-minute session using a variety of techniques to help participants unlock the extensive benefits of meditation. Recognized as one of the most effective methods for combating stress and anxiety, meditation is essential for enhancing health and well-being. Click on a technique below to learn more and register:

Engage in physical activity to boost your fitness, improve mood, and overall health.

Prioritize self-care by setting aside time for activities that nourish your mind, body, or soul.

Connect with nature. Go for a hike, a picnic in the park, or enjoy a peaceful walk.

Explore healthy eating. Experiment with new recipes, incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, and make informed choices about what you consume.

Cultivate positive relationships. Positive relationships contribute to overall well-being and provide a support system in time of turbulence.

Learn something new. Stimulate your mind and promote personal growth.

Unplug and disconnect. Spend time without screens, engage in face-to-face interactions, and enjoy moments of solitude or quiet reflection.

Access these wellness resources in Percipio:

Content Credit: Carey Musburger, Learning and Organizational Development Assistant; Ann Monroe, HRS Benefits Director