Recruitment Toolkit

WSU Strategic Plan: Increase the hiring and retention of exceptional faculty and staff – who represent diversity in all its forms – to advance research and the educational experience.
Explore the following sections for checklists, samples, and tools to aid in the talent acquisition and recruitment process.
- Candidate Experience: Recommended resources and samples to help create a positive candidate experience.
- Executive Recruitment: Search firm guides and resources to provide assistance during the Executive Recruitment process.
- Faculty Recruitment: Checklist, tools, and resources to provide assistance and guidance for the recruitment and hiring of Faculty positions.
- Implicit Bias: Tools to demonstrate and examine conscious and unconscious divergences related to attitudes and beliefs about race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, and other social categories.
- Search Committee Training: Training offerings for faculty and staff search committee members.
- Staff Recruitment: Checklist, tools, and resources to provide assistance and guidance for the recruitment and hiring of Administrative Professional (AP) and Classified Staff (CS) positions.
- Outreach Tools: Advertising and outreach tools to assist in Faculty and Staff recruitment efforts.
- Total Compensation: Utilize our tool to share the total compensation package for staff and faculty at WSU!
- Hiring Incentive and Employee Referral Program: Information regarding the hiring incentives and employee referral programs at WSU!
Visit the Upcoming Recruitment Events page to learn about upcoming recruitment events where HRS will be showcasing WSU career opportunities!