In today’s dynamic work environment, technical proficiency and academic qualifications are no longer the sole determinants of career success. Interpersonal skills have emerged as a critical factor for career advancement. These skills, encompassing communication, teamwork, empathy, and emotional intelligence, enable professionals to gain an edge on the path to career advancement.

These essential skillsets reveal their benefits when encountering stressful or uncomfortable interactions, collaborating with colleagues, demonstrating leadership potential, and networking. Read on to learn how you can practice them!

  1. Active Listening: Many individuals engaged in conversation tend to listen to respond to what the other person is saying as opposed to listening to understand what they are saying. Ensure when someone is speaking you are giving your full attention, nodding in agreement, and providing feedback. You can repeat what you heard them say to ensure you’ve understood their message. You can learn more about active listening by accessing the Developing as a Coug: Active Listening Replay available on Percipio.
  2. Empathy: Empathy requires you to feel compassion for and understanding of another person’s feelings and emotions. The phrase “put yourself in others’ shoes” is the figurative way to understand their perspectives and emotions. Practice empathy by being supportive and showing genuine concern for your colleagues’ well-being, asking open-ended questions which encourages people to share more thoughts and feelings, and engaging in volunteer work can be a fulfilling and beneficial way to develop empathy.
  3. Effective Communication: Effective communication spans verbal and non-verbal interactions, and honing the skills for both is crucial in the workplace. Seizing the opportunity to present whenever the opportunity arises is a fantastic way to enhance your oral and written communication skills. Often, one type of communication supports growth in another, and presenting is an excellent demonstration of this. If you’re typically quiet during a meeting, take the opportunity to share your opinion or contribute to the conversation. When engaged in conversation, remember to use your active listening and empathy skills! Role-playing different scenarios with friends or colleagues, recording yourself speaking or giving speeches, and practicing mindfulness to stay present in the conversation are all excellent practical tips to improve.
  4. Conflict Resolution: Conflict resolution often feels like a challenging skill to develop, and many people avoid conflict because it makes them uncomfortable, or they anticipate the conversation will have a negative outcome. However, conflict is a good thing. Resolving conflict leads to growth and change, improves problem-solving skills, and preserves and improves relationships. Percipio offers numerous professional development CAISY AI Simulators are an invaluable tool to help practice skills in a stress-free and safe environment. Five different workplace scenarios are available to help get you started. When engaged in conflict, remember to stay objective and remain impartial; be patient, resolving conflict takes time and persistence; regularly practice in low-stakes situations to help build your skills.
  5. Team Participation: Working as a part of a team can be incredibly rewarding, and participation opportunities can provide some of the best professional development experiences of your career. When opportunity arises, take action! You can hone these skills by taking part in collaborative projects, team-building exercises, and committees. If none of these are immediately available in your department, explore what is more widely available within the institution. These types of “extracurriculars” not only benefit your professional development but are a wonderful enhancement to your resume. Team participation demonstrates you can be reliable and accountable in meeting deadlines, collaborate and be open to new ideas and perspectives, and seek to be a part of the bigger picture.

Interpersonal skills are a cornerstone of professional success. They not only enhance individual performance but also contribute to a positive and productive workplace culture. By prioritizing and actively developing these skills, you can significantly boost your career prospects and establish yourself as an invaluable asset to their organizations. Start practicing these skills today, and watch as your career trajectory soars to new heights.

Content Credit: Ariana McDonnell, Learning and Organizational Development Analyst