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Washington State University

Understanding EAP and insurance mental health benefits for out-of-state WSU employees

HRS is aware of instances in the past wherein WSU out-of-state employees wishing to seek the counseling services of EAP providers and discovered limitations. Based on conversations with EAP personnel, it was determined that the physical location of the employee contacting them is taken into consideration, as well as the licensing status of any mental health professionals that are available to help. From a legal perspective, each state governs only individuals who are physically reside in that state, and also

Overtime Eligibility Changes

HRS has developed the training to guide managers in effectively overseeing their staff through the transition from overtime exempt to

Work-life Balance: Harmony Amidst Chaos

The phrase "Work/Life Balance" superimposed on a photo of a stack of balancing stones.

Work-life balance looks different for everyone, but it generally means having a healthy split between time spent on work-related activities

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